Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Surprise - Koda Chesmore

At the beginning of November a good friend of mine, Sherrae, contacted me about taking some photos for her. I thought it would be for her and her husband, but instead she wanted pictures of her mother's horse, Koda Chesmore. I had never taken pictures of animals before, and Koda was definitely an adventure. Early on Thanksgiving morning, I met Sherrae and Jeff at the stable where Koda lives. We took him out into the arena and let his personality shine. He wasn't really happy about us interrupting his breakfast, but he warmed up to me. We were good friends in no time. Just like a 2 year old, Koda was a little temperamental, but that made it that much more fun! Thank you Sherrae for such a great opportunity!

An original collage for Koda

He didn't mind me getting too close, but he was going to watch me the whole time.

Beautiful horse

Sun shining directly onto Koda, made him look darker

This is a very sweet face

He was actually eying the hay

Ready to run

Koda, with  nice fall trees behind

Koda Chesmore

Such an innocent look

Knows he is getting closer to breakfast.

This was his good side

Action Shot

Nice, still photo of Koda

Koda and Sherrae

Koda was relaxing in the meadow...we had to go far for this picture.

Another scrapbook type

In front of the Chesmore stable
A few of the fun, action shots and outtakes from the day!




Yummmy Carrot

Mr. Ed?
 Thanks again Sherrae for this opportunity. Enjoy the pictures!

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