Friday, February 18, 2011

Ali Jade

"Little girls are just angels who haven't yet spread their wings."

 The best part of my new passion is getting to be apart of my family and friends lives in ways I never could before. I get to help capture sweet memories! On January 22, 2011 I took pictures of sweet, Ali Jade. She is the brand new daughter of Kate and Brian. Kate and I have been friends since we started high school at Advanced Technologies Academy. We had classes together, went to prom, homecomings, Friday night dates, senior ditch days, and all the fun high school entails. We shared tears, laughter, and friendship throughout 4 long years of high school. Our paths separated after graduation, but have recently crossed again. I was honored when Kate asked me to take pictures of her new baby girl! Here are my favorites!

Thanks Kate, Brian, and Ali for sharing this time with me.

All photos are copyrighted to B.Leah Photography, 2011.

The Winder Family

On December 26, 2010 I met up with the Winder Family to take family pictures. We started at the entrance of Silverstone Golf Course, and then moved to the Italian Villa themed clubhouse.  I just have to say that this is a great family! I have known Hoai-My and Greg for years, having taught with both of them at O'Callaghan Middle School. Hoai-My and Greg have 4 boys: Jesse, Kel, Luke, and Michael. Just like typical boys, none of them truly wanted their pictures taken, but they were all good sports about it. I have to say, I have even more respect for Hoai-My being the only female in this all boy clan! Thanks for an awesome opportunity and a great way to end 2010. Here are a few of my favorites!

Winder Kids

Jesse Winder

Kel Winder
Luke Winder
Michael Winder
The Parents

Hoai My and Greg Winder
Happy Holidays

That's a good looking couple!
The Winder Boys

Thanks again Winder Family!

All photos copyrighted to B.Leah Photography